Filmeditor Filmmaker


  • Tawarisch Operator Axel Schneppat, TaxControl St.Petersburg
  • With Sebastian Winkels in Napoli
  • MasterClass in Bamako
  • Peugeot 504 on the road
  • XS 650 in France
  • Bord du Niger
  • Bamako Sotrama
  • Niger
  • E-Moto in Berlin
  • Beekeeper
  • Tuareg Style

Markus C.M. Schmidt started as Projectionist, internship at ARRI-Labs Munich before he studied Filmediting at the University of Film and Television “Konrad Wolf” Potsdam-Babelsberg.

Since 1996 he has been engaged in producing reportages and documentaries which are regularly screened and awarded at major international film festivals. He is a member to the German Film Academy.

In 2003 he was awarded with the "Deutscher Kamerapreis/Schnitt"

His skills include:

Avid Media Composer, After FX, Photoshop, Illustrator, DaVinci Resolve.

Documentary Editing, Sound-Recording, Graphics Animation, Compositing, Tour Manager, Barista

Languages: Deutsch, English, Francais

Markus has travelled and worked in Africa, Japan, Russia and USA

Other Skills : Sailing, Electric-Motocycles, Beekeeping, Historic Cars, Analog Photography, Gardening